Hallo I am from Iraq and I have a child from german girl I have refugee status and have a resident permit , but know we are not living together my ex girl friend have a new boyfriend now , so how can i apply for permanent resident ship or can it possible that I apply now for permanent resident ship. thanks
asked Apr 26, 2018 in Legal advice by daran | 1,338 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @daran,

It´s also possible for you as father of a minor German to get a residence permit for the purpose of care and custody granted even though you don´t live together with your child and his mother. In this case, you have to prove that you maintain an intensive contact with your child (for example with a confirmation of the Youth Welfare Office). If you don´t maintain such an intensive contact to your child (occasional visits, contacts through letters and phone calls or maintenance payments), the immigration authority won´t grant the residence permit.

If you get the residence permit issued from the Immigration authority, you can apply for the permanent residence permit after three years if you have German language skills of the Level B1 and you have enough income to secure your own subsistence.

Best regards


answered May 2, 2018 by WKZB1
0 votes

Hello @daran

It is possible to stay in Germany through a child that you have with a German woman even when you are not married (Please check out the following link to learn more about that: https://***.wefugees.de/102216/). But I'm afraid this won't work if you are not living together and raising the child as a couple.

Maybe @WKZB1 can tell you more about it next week.

Best regards,


answered Apr 26, 2018 by Thor
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