Hello I’m Pakistani my wife is eu citizen and permanent in Germany as she live here 9 years and we live here in Germany my question is after how long I can apply for permanent resident some one said I can apply after 3 years because my wife is already permanent and some say 5 years so I’m hoping to get my answer thanks
asked Sep 7, 2018 in Legal advice by Musawvir | 2,557 views

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2 Answers

+2 votes
Hello @Musawvir, thank you for your question. In order to obtain the permanent residency in Germany you have to fulfill the requirements under § 9 AufenthG https://***.gesetze-im-internet.de/aufenthg_2004/__9.html --> 1. have hold 5 years a residence permit in Germany 2. you are able to cover your living expenses 3. paid the taxes needed to be paid 4. speak sufficient German 5. have followed the German law 6. if you work, that you have legal right to work and a valid contract However each case is individual, therefore I would suggest you get a consultation appointment with the Ausländerbehörde in order to know exactly what might be needed in your specific case. I hope we could assist you. If there any further question please do not hesitate to use the community. Good Luck! Best regards, Nilab
answered Sep 12, 2018 by Nilab
Many thanks for your guide nelly and nilab I understand it very well
0 votes
As your wife is not German Citizen so you have to hold first 5 years legal Status in Germany then you can apply for PR. If your wife is German then you can do that after 3 years

answered Sep 14, 2018 by Kevinreed00131
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