Hello my name is Asad Ali. I come from Pakistan. From 2 years I'm living here in Germany. I'm a asylum seeker. I already got negative answer from Bamf. And now I appeal against negative answer from Bamf. From 14 month I'm working here with one company and earn good money and I have a unlimited work contract with this company. Two month my baby born from a german women and after one week she is dead. Because she was sick. Before 4 month she dead we maked already Vaterschafternakennug and Sorgerecht. She  has my name. Can I get stay permission because of my child ?
asked Mar 5, 2018 in Legal advice by Asadaliawan | 1,462 views
Hello @Asdaliawan - thank you for your question and welcome to our community! I will link @WKZB1 from Willkommenszentrum Berlin. He is an expert on questions circling around the topic of residence and its legal framework. We are very happy to welcome him and his colleague here on Wefugees where they will share their expertise in the future. Maybe he can help you to find an answer to your question as well. Best regards, Thorgen

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hello @Asdaliawan, Unfortunately you can´t get the residence Permit granted when your new born child is dead. Best regards @WKZB1
answered Mar 14, 2018 by WKZB1
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