Dear @Eddy07,
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
As you mentioned in a previous question, your girlfriend is a German citizen, is that correct? (I have been in Germany for 2years can i still seek for asylum since my visa expired?)
First of all, note that - once your child is born - if you do the "Vaterschaftsanerkennung" (acknowledging paternity) and also have legal custody of your child (shared custody with your girlfriend), it affects your legal status and you are entitled to apply for a residence permit in Germany. See this thread for more info: How can I get a residence permit for Germany having a German child?
Second of all, you can apply for something called Elterngeld and Kindergeld (parental support and child benefits) from the state. It's financial support that you will receive for your child. Kindergeld is €194 per month. Have a **** at the BAMF website where these forms of support are explained.
Here's another thread about Elterngeld from the platform: What is the expiration deadline for applying for Elterngeld?
And eventually, to answer your question, here is a thread about working in Germany with a residence permit: Good morning Sir/madam. Can I work in Germany with this residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zur Personensorge)?
And this one: Work permit for asylum seekers
Depending on your current status you may already be allowed to work. Once your child is born and you acknowledge paternity + share legal custody of the child, you can apply for a residence permit, which then also states if you have been granted to work ("Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet") - you just need a work permit from the responsible Ausländerbehörde.
Definitely try and apply for the child benefits and for parental benefits - it's a small help at least.
Please feel free to reach out to us again if you need any further support.
All the best and good luck,