
I m back . As I told you before that I have registered asylfolgeantrag . That time the judge told me that you have to wait for the answer that we start your new asylum or not . But yesterday I got a letter from government about new appointment. They invited me again

What does it mean ? Why they invited me again 

On this letter title is ( Antrag auf Durchführung eines weiteren Verfahren )

Zu dem vorbezeichneten Asylantrag Ihrer Mandantschaft ist zur Prüfung, ob ein weiteres Asylverfahren durchzuführen ist, folgender Termin zur persönlichen Befragung anberaumt worden:

asked Jun 26, 2018 in Legal advice by Zichako | 923 views

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2 Answers

0 votes

Hello @Zichako

Nice to hear from you again.

The letter says that they have to talk to you in person before they decide whether to grant you a second procedure or not. They probably need more information which is why they invited you for another interview.

I hope this answer was helpful to you. Feel free to give us feedback.

Best regards,


answered Jun 27, 2018 by Thor
0 votes

can you tell me how you registered for your application? Here is my emailzakarihafiz@icloud.*** thank you 

answered Sep 9, 2019 by hafiz123
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