Halo please my first asylum was rejected in 2015.so i made asyl folgeantrag last year because i had a new born baby.girl 2017 september.reasons as a result of fear of circumcision for my baby girl but unfotunately for me rhis month august 2018 i was rejected .they said i should appeal to the federal high court within 4weeks.am confused.please i need help.what do i do.
asked Aug 13, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by Oma | 1,820 views

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Hello @Oma

Nice to hear from you again.

Along with every decision by authorities you receive a so-called "Rechtsmittelbelehrung". It contains information how, where and until when you have to file an appeal. If you want to do that, I'd recommend to get in contact with a lawyer that helps you with the bureaucracy and the procedure. It might be necessary to also file an "Eilantrag" to prevent deportation. Otherwise you could get deported before your appeal has been decided by court. But you should ask an expert to take a **** at your case and to decide what's the best way to proceed.

Best regards,


answered Aug 14, 2018 by Thor
Thanks for the answer.please what is Eilantrag.And which authorites can help.please explain to me in details
Can one apply for asulforgeantrag second time

Hello @Oma - Appealing against the decision doesn't suspend deportation. If deportation is about to happen soon, then you should file an "Eilantrag" at Verwaltungsgericht in order to prevent it. But as I said in my initial answer, we can't make general assumption online whether that's necessary or not. An expert (e.g. a lawyer or a counselling center) should take a **** at your case. Also they can help you to file such an Antrag.

Regarding a second Folgeantrag: As far as I can see, it's possible to do that again. But you have to keep in mind that it's only going to be succesful, if you can provide fresh evidence that hasn't been taken into account before. If you can't provide convincing reasons why your case needs to be checked again, it's not going to work.

Best regards, Thorgen

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