Hello, I am 24 year-old guy from country called Tajikistan, I wish to get asylum in Germany as back in my country open gays are being persecuted, not only open people, authorities got “queer list” where they collect information about other gays who lives/studies/works in abroad and government or police doesn’t protect at all, I can’t go back to my hometown as I been threatened many times, last five years I was studying in China, and today I am based in south east Asia don’t know what to do next, I saw the “airport procedure” that applies for safe considered countries (Albania, Ghana etc) didn’t see my country in the list, my question is: can I apply for asylum in transit zone of Frankfurts airport ? With the reason of my sexuality being persecuted, I would appreciate if someone could answer, thank you
closed with the note: the question was already asked
asked Nov 5, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by farrouge | 408 views
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