Hello, I asked twice and didn’t get answer :( hope this question at least will be answered, I read many questions about claiming asylum in Frankfurt/Berlin airport, but in official website also noticed that “airport process” mostly applies for citizens coming from “safe listed countries” (Albania, Montenegro, Senegal and etc) if my country is not in safe list, can I claim for asylum at airport ? Whom should I contact there, direct go to immigration contour or there is a special window for that, hope someone can advice me, my current situation isn’t that good, I don’t have other choices than to claim an asylum at airport, thank you
asked Nov 6, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by farrouge | 1,338 views
Hello farrouge, we are sorry to hear that your situation is not so good and we are also sorry that your questions have not received attention before. We do our best, but sometimes there are too many questions. I will link our dear experts @mbeon-fardeen and @mbeon-éanna here, maybe they can help you. Meanwhile, I'll do a little research and we'll get back to you. Warmly, Saskia
Also, maybe this website will help you a bit while you wait.
Did I understand correctly that you are LGBTQ+?


Under the Geneva Refugee Convention, persecution based on sexual orientation or gender identity is a recognized ground for asylum.
Thank you for respond, yes, I am part of LGBTQ+ and this is the reason that I want to claim an asylum in Germany

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Dear @farrouge

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and I am sorry to hear that you are struggling.

It may occasionally take a few days to receive a response - but we try to give an answer on every question. Sorry that you had to wait a bit now. However, opening three threads with the same content may cause confusion. I hope you don’t mind if I close the two other threads. 

Regarding your question: You are right - some airports in Germany provide “facilities” (detention like spaces) for the so-called airport asylum procedure (including Frankfurt and München). At these airports, asylum seekers from “safe countries of origin” and who do no have a (valid) passport will stay at the airport for the whole length of the asylum procedure (which is way faster than the normal asylum procedure - a maximum of 19 days). In case of the asylum rejection, the applicants will be deported right from the airport. Applicants at airports without these “facilities” and in general people who are not from “safe countries” and/or with valid travel documents are eligible for the normal asylum procedure outside of the airport. You will have to formulate your request for asylum towards the police at the airport. In Frankfurt and München are support structures for asylum applicants available- maybe you can share with us the specific airport you need information about.

I hope this answers your question and please don’t hesitate to get back to us (preferably within this thread). 

All the best, 


answered Nov 8, 2022 by Meike
Thank you for respond, sorry for making other two threads with the same topic, I just was worried, I am interested about Frankfurt airport procedure, as most flights are connected there,  hope officers at the airport won’t mind to have application right in transit zone,
Dear @farrouge, the Caritas works in the transit area at the airport and supports refugees there. If you check this website (https://***.caritas-frankfurt.de/ich-suche-hilfe/migration-und-flucht/flucht-und-asyl/kirchlicher-fluechtlingsdienst-am-flughafen/kirchlicher-fluechtlingsdienst-am-flughafen) and scroll to the bottom, you find their contact details. But I assume that they will get in touch with you as soon as you request asylum. All the best, Meike
Hello, Farrouge. I hope you see this!
I know it has been almost a year. Did you get to do it?
Did you manage to seek asylum at the Transit Zone of Frankfurt Airport?
What was the procedure like?
Did they arrest you or anything?
Did they put you through the "Airport Procedure"
How long did it take you to enter Germany?
Would love to get your response!
Hi, Farrouge. I hope you see this!
I know it has been almost a year. Did you get to do it?
Did you manage to seek asylum at the Transit Zone of Frankfurt Airport?
What was the procedure like?
Did they arrest you or anything?
Did they put you through the "Airport Procedure"
How long did it take you to enter Germany?
Would love to get your response!
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