Good day Wefugees,
I have a tourist visa to a third country (USA). I will be travelling from Istanbul but transiting through either London or Frankfurt (Munich possible too). I know Asylum proceedings in the EU are regulated by the Dublin III convention and that USA is not a part of it . Is there any convention between The US and the European countries, particularly Germany and UK? Will I be detained? Will I be deported? Will I be sent to the US? I am really confused and I don't know what to do! I know what you are thinking... I am not applying for asylum in the US since my life there will be hell. I am already broke, I can only afford a one-way ticket to the US and asylum procedures there are very expensive and can take a long time. Will having a US visa affect my case negatively?
What is the better option? UK or Germany? I am an atheist and bisexual, that is why I am leaving the country!
Please tell me if there is anything else that I should be worried about or if you have any suggestion or better ideas!
Thank you!