Hi, I'm flying from Iran to Canada, and my plane is changing in London. Can I declare refugee in the London Transit Area, without showing the passport?
asked Aug 14, 2018 in Asylum proceedings by aryjax | 3,794 views
Dont be disappointed but i just dont think so! .
or Maybe you could!!

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1 Answer

+2 votes
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I think you are most likely to be obliged to show your Passport at the airport transit area. try and read this link carefully maybe it might help you out ****://***.righttoremain.org.uk/legal/entering-uk-and-claiming-asylum/
answered Aug 16, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
Thank you for the answer, but the question is that the transit area is considered to be the territory of England, and how is migration law in the Transit Area?If I destroyed my passport and declare asylum
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