I'm Egyptian can I go to Dominica through transit in Germany Frankfurt and apply asylum in transit zone in Frankfurt
Note : Dominica no need visa for Egyptians and Germany no need transit visa for Egyptians in Frankfurt
asked Sep 16, 2016 in Asylum proceedings by No3mani | 5,152 views

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1 Answer

+3 votes

you can apply for asylum in the transit zone at the airport in Frankfurt.
Please see further informations here: ****://bit.ly/2cKfAhN (English)

Kind regards, Jan
answered Sep 16, 2016 by Jan
Do you know how to do that?
Ask Caritasverband Frankfurt to support you, they have a settlement at Frankfurt airport:<br>
Contact: Anne Lausmann, Lisa Schnell<br>
Kirchlicher Flüchtlingsdienst - Verfahrensberatung<br>
Rhein-Main-Flughafen Gebäude 587<br>
60549 Frankfurt am Main<br>
Phone: 069 69 07 24 41<br>
(Source of contact: ****://bit.ly/2cUaY5G (German language)
hi @no3mani, how is it going with your asylum request? Are you managing your way through getting in contact with the right people and offices? was the information that @jan provided enough or would you need extra help? let us know if and how we could help you further. Best, Paolo
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