Hello everyone.  My name is Deve
I'm living in germany since 2019 . And my asylum was rejected 2021 without a letter from the court or bamf . Asking me to leave . But I only received the letter from my lawyer . Attached  . No lawyer seen to handle my case . When I ask them . They gave me assurance about my case and allow me to pay them . And end up doing nothing.  I give up everything  my son and I lost hope . I can't make family unification because he has paragraph 33 . And also I have duldung since last year and the immigration office didn't  inform me or give me . When I started making process to transfer to another city where my family live.  They gave me appointment to to change to duldung.  And they told me to bring my passport and my work permit was taken back . I try to explain to the lawyer about it . He don't want to listen and ask me to pay more money again . So I'm giving up everything.  I just hope I could grow with my son . But not possible.  I'm done . Please They want to deport me to my home country so . I came from Italy.  I want to  cancel my asylum and make a volunteer return to Italy.  Would the immigration office give me a document to pass the border to Italy.  Thank for helping us . With a lot information.
asked Jan 19, 2022 in Asylum proceedings by Dev | 789 views

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Dear @Dev,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for sharing your situation with us.

I am sorry to hear that you feel yourself stuck in limbo and you are so tired now. It seems also that the communication and cooperation between you and your lawyer was not the best. Did you consider to apply for a residence permit for the "Ausübung der Personensorge" - to take care of your child? We discussed this topic already a few times on this platform and you may go through the information here and also check the answers in this thread. For having a chance to get this residence permit granted (the issuing will be at the immigration office's discretion), the recognition of the paternity, the shared custody, and actually taking care of the child will be essential. 

Regarding your voluntary return to Italy - I assume that you are not an Italian citizen right? Otherwise, you would have the right to live and work in Germany as EU citizen anyway. If you just came via Italy to Germany, I am afraid that the authorities will not support a departure to Italy unless you have a valid Italian residence permit. Or was your case a Dublin case and you are obliged to go through the asylum procedure in Italy? 

As your case seems to be quite complex, I would recommend you to seek support in a local counselling offices as well. I am sure they can also help in the communication with your lawyer and keep an eye on the process.

Please let us know if you need help in finding respective services in your area and also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 22, 2022 by Meike
Good day
Please I want to ask
How can someone apply for residence permit to take care of kids with residence permit
And what are the requirements

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