Dear Wefugees Community,

As always thank you for this platform and your continous help for everone here...

my problem this time is really long and full with details , and your prompt response will be highlly apprecited...

i am originally from Jordan , but i lived 29 years in dubai .. and came on 23rd april 2018 to germany, and i applied for asylum on the 21st july 2018 

I have received a negative decision on my ''POLITICAL & RELIGIOUS Asylum'' , my hearing was on the 28.08.2018 in München , and lasted for 8 straight hours .. i waited long for the beschid but it took till FEB 18th 2019..

the problem is - AND I AM FULLY RESPONSIBLE- that i was out of my heim , visiting a friend and staying with him , from 7th feb 2019 - 2nd april 2019

i came to find the beschid and neither the cheif or hausmaster msged or called me, and i was very late to do the appeal , i sought some help from the Caritas here in passau , thez usually have meeting with us in our heim every monday.. and the person told me there is a mistake in the beschid ,

1) where the arabic beschid has München court address to appeal , and

2)the Deutsch beschid has the address of regensburg Court to appeal ...

so on the 18th april 2019 i went to landratsamt to renew the Ausweis , they gave me a duldung till the 18th may 2019 ,  

and on same day i went to reggensbur to submit the appeal for my rejection and they replied a week later that it was refused and the case is closed and im safe to be sent to my home country....however i have appointment tomorrrow 8th may 2019 with landratsamt to ask me to contact the embassy of jordan in berlin to issue a new passport, and i cant stop thinking of being deported coz i have written threats to be killed by my family members coz i am an Ex-Muslim..

I have went to lawyer here in passau and they told me they cant do anything to me in my case and they were extremly sorry for me..

they told me maybe ausbildung can help , but the problem i only finished A1 because its really hard to find schools for jordanians.. and i am trying to study and learn on my own using books and youtube and mobile apps..

i am really afraid i have to show the landerstamt on the 27th may that i contacted the embassy in berlin but i dont want them to know im in germany for the risk of my life..

i also have to give statement on the 14th may explaining to them why i was late and to discuss that i dont agree to their points..

is there ay organizations for athiests or churches can help me in staying ?

i am really sorry for the long question but i am really confused and scared of being deported

please help in your kind advices..

Warm regards,


closed with the note: questions are getting closed after a year of no interaction
asked May 7, 2019 in Legal advice by Hattem | 521 views
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