I currently have an Aufenthaltsgestattung (my Ausweis is valid til April)

1st interview was in Bamf which was tooken when i was new and was negative

 2nd was in court which was also negative and in the letter they stated to make an appeal again or leave country in 30 days so my lawyer did reply but still i got a letter form my state stating same to leave country in 30 days and gave appointment on 18 Jan and i contacted my lawyer and he said i dont need to worry as we already have replied to an Antrag etc. on Tuesday 15 Jan i will go to them to show them the same letter and speak to them.

My B1 is almost finished and i have been in Germany (came legally with visa) total almost 1 year (6 months camp plus 4 months in the new city i was transferred to) obtained language certificate fast since i guess i speak good English. anyway my question is what is the best choice for me now to seek an Ausbildung or a job? and if a job can i live and work in different city or i have to remain in same city?
asked Jan 13, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Riz | 2,531 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Riz,

Thank you for reaching out to the community again!

How did your appointment go?

I've had a **** at the previous question you asked, where you talked to Nilab about being interested in finding a job in the IT-sector. Is that still something you are looking for? 

As Nilab explained in the other thread, you can move to another city once you found an Ausbildungsplatz or a job there (your previous thread: https://***.wefugees.de/802423/how-it-possible-to-integrate-faster-during-my-asylum-process).

I had a **** for more information on our platform and found these very helpful questions with answers: 

How to get an Ausbildung?

Can I finish my Ausbildung if I get a negative result by BAMF?

Does having a job increase the chance to stay in Germany?

Furthermore, I found a few helpful articles and links to apps and websites where you can find Ausbildungsplätze or jobs!

Here is an article by Deutsche Welle: https://***.dw.***/en/when-refugees-want-to-work-in-germany/a-18737104

This is from Refugees Welcome on finding jobs: ****://refugeeswelcomemap.de/infoportal/arbeit/job-boersen/

And here is important information by Make it in Germany regarding working visa/ residence permits/ vocational training and EU-Blue Cards: https://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en/visa/kinds-of-visa/work/

Looking at the kind of options (if there is a cool Ausbildung/ job in a city you want to go) and residence permits might help you with your decision which you want to choose. Definitely have a **** at the threads I linked here for you, as the experts who answer give some good tips.

I hope the information I shared here helps you to find an interesting Ausbildung/ job. Feel free to let us know if you need any further assistance!

Kind regards,


answered Jan 17, 2019 by Isa
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