Hello Wefugees,

I am an asylum seeker here in Germany. My husband and I have been living here in Germany for more than a year now. Currently we have submitted an appeal to the courts as our asylum request was rejected. We are now waiting for news. My husband now has a job, by the way.

Anyway, as for me, I am currently taking German A2 classes. I am also thinking of studying at the University. However the universities say that I need to have at least B1 to B2 German in order to enter. With that, I am thinking of other alternatives. How do I start with getting an Ausbildung? I am a College graduate with background in Customer Service and media.
asked May 14, 2018 in Education by someoneingermany | 8,826 views

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Hello @someoneingermany

To start an Ausbildung you have to find an employer (e.g. a company) that offers a so-called Ausbildungsplatz. There are websites where you can search for them. For example these ones:




You can also send your application directly to a company (that's a so-called "Initiativbewerbung").

An Ausbildung usually starts in August or September, but of course the deadlines to apply are earlier (that depends on the field you want to work in and the company).

After you found an employer, you will sign a training contract. You need the contract to register at "Berufsschule" (a school that you have to go to whilst you are doing the Ausbildung).

In addition, I will link our experts in educational topics: @BildungsberaterIn of LernLaden, Fadi of @Arrivo-EMSA and @KironHelpDesk of Kiron.

Also, @DavidJ at workeer and @Franziska_jobs4refugees at Jobs4Refugees can give you valuable advice on this topic and their programmes that connect employers and refugees.

Best regards,


answered May 15, 2018 by Thor
Hey @Thor! Thank you so much! This is way informative! Thank you so much for the leads, too.
I'm always glad to hear such positive feedback!
+1 vote
In principle, there is no specific level for you to begin a dual Ausbildung, but you have to keep in mind that in almost every profession in Germany there is 50% theory that you have to learn. Theory lessons can be taught only in German. You have to make all your exams in German as well. therefore, it is not recommended to start your Ausbildung with A2 (it would even be difficult to find an employer who would sign the Ausbildung contract with you based on your German knowledge. it is not clear though if your backgroound in Customer Service and media is what you studied in the College or your worked in this field. do you have your graduation certificate and/or work experience certificates? in terms of your residece permit, dual Ausbildung can be a practical option for you because , and there is no gaurantee at all for it, you might be eligible for an Ausbildungsduldung if you find an Ausbildung.  i hope you got a better idea with this answer along with the answer from Wefugees. you can make use of the links which Wefugeees posted for you and start looking for your own Ausbildungsplatz. i would also recommend that you make a Praktikum before you start the Ausbildung to make sure that this is the profession that you really wanted to learn. in case you have more questions you can send us an email to this address arrivo-emsa@inbas.***
answered May 16, 2018 by Arrivo-EMSA
Hello @Arrivo-EMSA, thank you for your response. I appreciate that you provided a heads-up that it is not recommended to get an Ausbildung with only A2 German. I totally understand that. As for documentation, yes I have my university diploma and Transcript of Records (grades) with me, plus my CV. Also, is an Ausbildung different from a Praktikum? Is Praktikum similar to internship? As for career choices, I'm considering to teach English if possible.
hallo iam a refugee in germany work since 2 year in a bekrei .. now i want start ausbildung .. my deutsch is level is A1 .. if my chef agree that i start ausbildung then i can start ausbildung ? i
+1 vote

Dear @someoneingermany,

In addition to the websites the others recommended, I'd strongly suggest you to have a **** into Hop-on, especially the Hop-on Roadmap and the Hop-on Compass. This website is a great help for orientation in the professional system in Germany for newcomers.

All the best,

Claudia (Kiron Open Higher Education)

answered May 24, 2018 by KironHelpDesk
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