my friend wants to apply to the ausbildung. he lives in Stuttgart. but he is still learning the language. he wants to know which times is the available times for applying to companies. because we heard that every state or city has a different dates for applying to the ausbildung. and he wants to know also if the applying has satrted and he wasn't in b1 the secound book but didnt finish it yet. could he apply or he should finish it and make the exam before the applying.
and thanks alot.
asked Apr 27, 2016 in Education by noah | 5,590 views
I work in company and we help the refugees to find jobs, at the moment we have Ausbildung. call me on this number, i speak arabic as well. 020348805444
Thank you Nostalgia
i will give him your number to contact with you :)

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3 Answers

+4 votes
Hi Noah,

often it it depends on what kind of Ausbildung your friend wants to apply. What kind of profession he wants to study? Does he **** for a Ausbildung in a Company or an Ausbilung in a school....  But both start very often in september (and others also in February) because the Berufsschule (who normally also people have to visit one or two times a week, when they study/learn in an company) starts then.
Your friend can get some Informations about Ausbildung and different ways of education in the "Berufsberatung": Berufsinformationszentrum (BIZ) Stuttgart
Agentur für Arbeit Stuttgart
Nordbahnhofstraße 30-34
70191 Stuttgart
E-Mail: stuttgart( at )arbeitsagentur.de
But if you can inform us, what kind of Ausbildung he wants to start, please write and may be, I can give you more information.,
best regards,
answered Apr 27, 2016 by HeiDe
wow thats so uesful. thank you so much
so,  i asked him about what he wants to study. he is interested in cars mechanic or electronic which is belong to cars and something like that.
he applied to German kurse in Vhs but they level A2a will start at 8/6 and the secound book will start at September. so if the applied to ausbildung in September he will not have a chance. then we were in another school today. it calls Tricos gbr.  and in this school they have A2a in 30/5 and A2b in 30/6
so he can start b1 before September. but he will not finish it before that in all cases.
thats why we want to know the dates of applying to ausbildung. to know which is better for him to study fast in tricos or just to wait the courses in Vhs.
and i mean in (ausbildung) the both side in a company and school together. studying and working.
and thanks again :)
+4 votes
Hi Noah,

unfortunately it is not easy, to find an Ausbildungsstelle.... some times schools are easyer to find and many guys try to learn something with cars. May be there are some similar professions he can try to learn.

But first he needs some counselling or guidance. In Stuttgart are some NGOs and the Jobcenter, who can give him advice:



May be your friend can start with preparing courses "Berufsvorbereitung". It depends on his age and a lot of other facts- these NGOs and the jobjenter know something about that.


And here is another School with al lot of fascinating Informations about ways of education for people,
who are interested in tecnically professions like car mechanics, but he will need someone, who explains....
for example: ****://rbs-stuttgart.de/internet/bildungsangebote/berufsfachschule/die-zweijaehrige-berufsfachschule-fahrzeugtechnik/

Good luck!
answered Apr 28, 2016 by HeiDe
thats completely helpful
we will visit those web sites and the NGOs. and maybe he would be abel later to discover his way and get a chance
i would thank you so much
best wishes from both of us
thank you so much HeiDe! this will be helpful for a lot of people :) Always love it, when people are giving answers as detailed as yours :)
+3 votes
Schau mal hier... Vorallem die Praktika sind sicher interessant... bis die Deutschkenntnisse für eine Ausbildung ausreichen!


answered May 21, 2016 by rosanesi
Das ist super
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