Good evening to @Thor, and the full legal advicer here on Wafugees! Please I need your help to help me with this little answers, i am asylum seeker here in germany and my case is already in court, my fiancee is from German and we have done our marriage registration and every documents needed is been submitted at the Rathaus already, so does my fiancee have right to write the government for them to transfer me close to her city or her home? If possible where can she write the letter To? I will be very grateful to get a answer soon...

asked Nov 9, 2018 in Legal advice by Marviswhite | 1,012 views

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3 Answers

0 votes
Dear @Marviswhite, thank you for sharing your situation with us and congrats on the marriage. The best option in your case would be to write a letter to the Ausländerbehörde where you would like to move to. If they agree you can move to the city either already prior to the courts decision or once the court has decided. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 9, 2018 by Nilab
Dear @Nilab Thanks for your advice, please I need your help, I have left my house for over 7 months now for me not to be deported back to Italy, and I have not also taking any money since I left, my German fiancee just call me that our papers we summited for our marriage has be approved and them want me to bring my meldebescheinigung to them to come and pick a date for our marriage, but I have left there for over 7 months now and my  duldung Ausweise has expired over 6 months which I didn't go to renew, please what can I do to get my Meidebescheinigung and also get a new ausweise? Please help me with what I can do
0 votes
Hi, my question..Are you both married? If  yes, you have  the right to transfer and live with your wife. Your Ausländerbehörde will transfer all your documents to your wife City (Ausländerbehörde).
But if you are NOT married, or no strong evidence that bide both of you together, Eg, Marriage, Child or relatives. Sorry, it might be difficult. You can try ( No harm in trying)
        Have a Nice weekend
answered Nov 9, 2018 by Emmytender
Dear @Emmytender Thanks for your advice, please I need your help, I have left my house for over 7 months now for me not to be deported back to Italy, and I have not also taking any money since I left, my German fiancee just call me that our papers we summited for our marriage has be approved and them want me to bring my meldebescheinigung to them to come and pick a date for our marriage, but I have left there for over 7 months now and my duldung Ausweise has expired over 6 months which I didn't go to renew, please what can I do to get my Meidebescheinigung and also get a new ausweise? Please help me with what I can do
0 votes
Hello @Thor Thanks for your advice, please I need your help, I have left my house for over 7 months now for me not to be deported back to Italy, and I have not also taking any money since I left, my German fiancee just call me that our papers we summited for our marriage has be approved and them want me to bring my meldebescheinigung to them to come and pick a date for our marriage, but I have left there for over 7 months now and my  duldung Ausweise has expired over 6 months which I didn't go to renew, please what can I do to get my Meidebescheinigung and also get a new ausweise? Please help me with what I can do
answered Aug 29, 2019 by Marviswhite
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