Hey there!

 my fiancĂ© is from Afghanistan, he is not anymore a refugee seeker, so he should not be anymore in this country (Austria). He is living illegal in Austria and we want to get married, btw I am a spanish citizen.

My question is : HOW he apply for a tourist visa for getting married in the EU if he is not in Afghanistan?

 If he go to a european embassy for example German embassy or Danish embassy to apply for a visa he will be asked that how is this possible he is in Austria... and if he have a visa for Austria he can travell to every Schengen countries...  

How it is the situation getting married in a non EU country for example Albania or Kosovo? how he get then a visa for those countries being illegal in Austria?

thansk in advance  i hope someone answer me fast i am getting crazy!!
asked Sep 12, 2018 in Legal advice by heidideloscampos | 1,266 views

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1 Answer

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There is no way your partner can Apply for visit visa be living illegal in country, he or she must go back to Afghanistan and apply from there

answered Sep 14, 2018 by Kevinreed00131
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