Good day please I visited Austria with a Schengen and I met a guy who said he want us to get married immediately but my fear now will that marriage be valid since I visited Austria with a Schengen visa and will they allow me stay in Austria after the marriage
asked Mar 8, 2020 in Legal advice by Michaelson27 | 1,362 views

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Dear @Michaelson27

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for sharing your question. 

Our platform and our experts are based in Germany and speaking for myself, I am also not familiar with the Austrian immigration/residence law. 

In Germany, for example, you could marry with a Schengen visa, if you can provide all required documents. However, the authorities might ask you to return to your country of origin as soon as your Schengen visa expires. Then you would need to apply for a spouse visa accordingly. 

However, the authorities might also check very carefully, if the marriage is not a “fake” marriage. That procedure can be uncomfortable as well. It might be the best option, to **** for some individual counseling, i.e. in a migration counseling office, close to your current location. 

Please let us know if you need support in finding addresses. 

Maybe one of our experts or other community members can also add to that or share experiences.

All the best, 


answered Mar 13, 2020 by Meike
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