Hello @Marwan
I'm sorry to hear about the situation you are in.
As a physician you might be eligible for a Blue Card. It allows you to enter Germany legally and to work here. Please read through this website carefully to find extensive information about it:
I'll give you a short summary of some of the most important points:
- The Blue Card allows highly-qualified non-EU citizens to legally move to e.g. Germany in order to work in a field with a skills shortage
- You need a job offer/work contract beforehand in order to apply for the Blue Card (the minimum salaray is 39.624€ a year for doctors)
- The Blue Card is valid for 4 years or (if the work contract covers a shorter period of time) it is valid for the duration of the work contract plus 3 months
- Get in contact with the German diplomatic representation in Tunisia in order to apply for it
Best regards,