I am looking for a homosexual association or organization, here in Berlin.
I am now living in Mitte if there is any there.
asked Oct 21, 2015 in Activities by Jack | 1,469 views

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4 Answers

+2 votes
Here some organizations, some of them in Mitte:

LesMigraS (they do antidiscrimination and anti-violence work and counseling in different languages for Lesbians/bisexual Migrants, Black Lesbians and Trans*people): ****://***.lesmigras.de/english.html

ABqueer (counselling and education): ****://***.abqueer.de/

Schwulenberatung Berlin (counselling for homosexuals): https://***.schwulenberatungberlin.de/ (Every tuesday and friday from 2-6pm meeting point, help, support, counselling and community services for LGBTI refugees at this adress: Cafe Kuchus, Wilhelmstraße 115, 10963 Berlin-Kreuzberg.)
Phone: 030 – 233 690 70

Sonntagsclub: ****://***.sonntags-club.de/international/englisch.html

GLADT (independent self-organized association of LGBTT from turky, events, counselling, language-courses): ****://***.gladt.de/
answered Oct 21, 2015 by raz
0 votes
What your question is about, concrete?
Was you successfully in finding what you need.
There will be an event for lesbian, gays, Trans* queer people
On the 17th of Dec., I'll tell more later.
answered Dec 13, 2015 by ACM
It's on the 16th
0 votes
Here are the link to this event
answered Dec 13, 2015 by ACM
0 votes

This one might be good and especially for refugees:

Here is the bigest organisation in Berlin:

Enjoy. Cheers
answered Jan 24, 2016 by Kath
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