I know that recognised Refugees with Travel Documents and Residence Permits are allowed to stay in a different EU Country than the One they claimed Asylum from for a period of 90 days.
I came to Germany on January 22 earlier this year to visit my then German fiancee who is now my Wife and then i returned back to Italy by May but i couldn't remember the Date. I registered for German A1 course during this first period which i payed by myself because i know that the Ausländeramt or the Embassy wants me to have goethe A1 certificate.
I later came back to Germany by June for the preparation of our Marriage.
 I went back to Italy By ending of July after Registering for the German A1 exam Goethe Zertifikat start Deutsch A1 in Tübingen which will be written on August 2nd. to take somethings there after we have Finally succeeded with our Marriage in Denmark. Before i finally returned to Germany on August Ist because i will be writing my exam the next day and also i want to Stay Here Permanently so that i can be able to live with my wife. So We went to the Burgeramt to register me there at the Meldebehörde which we successfully succeeded. and we later went to the standesamt for the Marriage registration they said it doesn't matter much since we already have an Appostiled Danish Marriage certificate. As they might also need some few Documents from us to Get a German Marriage Certificate.
My Question is having Travelled  3 or 4 times to Germany within this 8 month Period did i broke the immigration Law? And also i registered with the Meldebehörde that i came to Germany on August 1st because that's when i decided to settle in Germany. As for the previous visits We were waiting for the approvement of our Marriage in Denmark before i finally register myself. Thats why i was always travelling back to Italy.
And also lastly will they know that i came to Germany 3 or 4 times within this 8 months if i didn't come with the Flight? I usually use Flix Bus.
But the German Police are always at the Border they take the Documents in for authentication Checking in a room at the Border. but i don't know if they Register me in. (Check into the country)
I asked because i saw the Visa application form for Spouse of German Citizens online they asked there that if you have been to Germany in the past that you should indicate when till when.  it has a 5 valid blank spaces for people to write the times that they have been to Germany incase more than once. I don't want them to deny my Visa application because of that. Please help me out i really need help
asked Aug 22, 2018 in Legal advice by Nelly Overcomer | 1,407 views
Hello @Nelly - As always it's nice to hear from you again. Unfortunately I can't answer this question myself. But I will link @WKZB1 so that he can take a **** at it next Wednesday. Maybe someone else can share their advice in the meantime. Best regards, Thorgen
Thanks thorgen i really appreciate

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Dear @Nelly ,

You should fill in the application form truthfully, also to your previous stays in Germany. If you have spent more than 90 days in retrospect within the 180 days before applying for a residence permit in Germany, then your stay in Germany is no longer legally. In this case, the Immigration Authority can reject your application.

Best regards

answered Aug 28, 2018 by WKZB1
Hi WKZB1 to say the Truth, i have over stayed the 30 days legal period. I don't know if the German authorities might found out that i have overstayed. Are EU residence permits holders entering Germany automatically registered at the Border? Or Does Germany Monitor People who enter it territory? Because i don't want to state the truth so that my Visa Application won't be denied because of that. Incase they find out what if i said i just pass Germany that i didn't stay there. Because i used Flix bus  and most of the People in the FlixBus where going to Amsterdam Netherlands. Please i really nee your urgent answer. Thanks alot
Dear @Nelly,

unfortunately, I can´t tell you whether or not holders of EU residence permits are registered automatically at the border.

Best regards

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