I’ve received a scholarship to study bachelors in Berlin. I live in Austria and am on refugee status and have the Geneva travel document. Would that be possible?
asked Jul 6, 2018 in Education by Abdullah.Rh | 963 views

Hello @Abdullah.Rh Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question. I will link our experts on educational topics @BildungsberaterIn of LernLaden Neukölln, Fadi of @Arrivo-EMSA and @KironHelpDesk In addition I will do some research and try to find an answer myself. Best regards, Thorgen

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2 Answers

0 votes

Hello Abdullah

I did a little bit of research and found out that you need a visa in order to study here in Germany.

You have to get in contact with a German diplomatic representation in Austria in order to apply for such a visa.

Source: https://***.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/aamt/zugastimaa/buergerservice/faq/08-studentenvisum/606690

Here you find an overview of all German embassies and consulates in Austria: https://***.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/aussenpolitik/laenderinformationen/oesterreich-node/austria/228076

You will most likely have to provide evidence that you are able to pay for your living expenses on your own. Since you've been granted a scholarship that should make things easier.

Best regards,


answered Jul 9, 2018 by Thor
Thank you very much for your answer, really appreciate it. Actually, that was so helpful. All the best, Abdullah
0 votes
Hi Abdullah,

Unfortunately there is not much more I can add to what Thorgen suggested. You would definitely need a student visa to move to Germany but maybe the university that accepts your application can help you with the bureaucracy to request a visa. You should ask, besides trying out Thorgen's good tips.

answered Jul 11, 2018 by KironHelpDesk
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