Hi, i am willing to study in Germany or Europe. Is there any best way to get scholarships, fully funded ? I cannot afford to study after my bachelors. Assist me please.
asked Oct 29, 2015 in Education by Ali | 639 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Hi Ali, the German government provides for a small stipend for students who can't pay for their sustenance. It's called Bafög. It has to be partly paid back later. Once you're admitted to uni, you can apply for it. You need to be in country at least 15 months and be granted asylum, I think. In Germany you don't need to pay much for uni itself.
answered Oct 29, 2015 by Nora
Can i contact you through facebook to get some assistance on this ?
Hi Ali, if you live in Berlin, there's the opportunity to take some courses at the Technical University. The programme is called "In2Berlin" (https://***.tu-berlin.de/?164055)
Hello, Thanks for assistance. I can come to Germany on successful admission in any university or once i avail any scholarship. Can i communicate with you directly ? like facebook / email. It will be helpful for me to interact accordingly.
0 votes
Hey Ali,

if you are a refugee and have a document stating the fact you can apply for Kiron Open Higher Education. It is a project designed for refugees who want to study but meet the usual hindrances.

It is all about blended learning (online+offline) for the first two years, but after you have collected 120 credit points you may be admitted to a parnter university which acknowledges these credit points. You then physically study at the partner university in order to obtain the remaining 60 credit points and therefore your degree. The degree counts as any other "normal" degree. It is a bachelor degree.

For more information please visit our website ***.kiron.university and/or the Kiron category on Wefugee ****://***.wefugee.org/k/categories/575/questions.

answered Dec 5, 2015 by Herb
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