
My question is "Can i study in German universities with Deluding or Aufenthaltsgestattung ?"

Best Regards,
asked May 8, 2018 in Education by heemsx | 3,913 views

this PDF is a very nice and complete source of the rights of people with Aufenthaltsgestattung

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3 Answers

+2 votes

Hello @heemsx

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for your question.

Yes, you can study even if your asylum procedure is not finished yet or if you got Duldung.

You will be basically treated as an international student during the application procedure.

For extensive information on this topic and to get more detailed insights into it I recommend the following websites:



If you have further questions feel free to ask them here on Wefugees.

Best regards,


answered May 9, 2018 by Thor

Hello @Thor, Thanks for your response, the thing is i asked my lawyer, he told me that i can not study if asylum procedure is not finished yet as well as if i got Duldung and i told him what will be the problem if the university accept me and BAföG cover me the coast. He replied me and said that the problem occur in immigration authorities (Auslanderbehorde), they will ban me sorta speak, now i'm confuse !!

Unfortunately I can only tell you what I found out through my research. Maybe @BildungsberaterIn of LernLaden Neukölln, Fadi @Arrivo-EMSA or @KironHelpDesk can tell you more about this.

Hello, what my lawyer also said is very similar to @Thor but the only difference is that I am already a student(from Ghana) and only left with two semesters to complete my Bachelor's degree. But now I got a Duldung for three months and my passport was taken from me. I asked the man who issued it for me whether I can go back to Uni with this and all he said was if the University allows it and is willing to accept it. I asked for a letter from my University which I got. Do I take it to the ausländerbehorde or back to the office where I got the Duldung? I hope to get more insight or at least a bit of advice from @BildungsberaterIn  @Arrivo-EMSA or @KironHelpDesk. In short, I once had a student visa but due to reasons out of my control, I had to change Universities at a later semester. And at my new Uni, I started from a higher semester I moved to the new city did all the necessary registrations and even got two official letters from my previous University just in case the foreign office refused to grant me a new visa which they did so a lawsuit was filed which during this time my olds student visa expired and the case was closed which was how I ended up with a Duldung.

+2 votes

Dear @heemsx,

It is possible in general to apply at German universities with a "Duldung", but most probably you won't be eligible for Bafög with the "Duldung". Keep in mind as well that if you get into university, that it won't affect your asylum procedure anyhow.

For further reading, check out the following link (especially page 9): https://***.daad.de/medien/der-daad/handreichung_hochschulzugang_gefl%C3%BCchtete.pdf

I hope this helps and brings some clarification!
All the best,

answered May 14, 2018 by KironHelpDesk
Hello everyone.

Everything you said is correct. In general, it is possible for everyone to apply for all universities in Germany as long as you fulfill the requirements. So it is possible even if you still have the Aufenthaltsgestattung or Duldung. The only problem is what you mentioned in terms of the BAföG which you won't get with the Aufenthaltsgestattung and if you have a Duldung only after 15 months. It depends which university you are interested in studying but it makes sense to go to the international office or the refugee welcome/Integra team and get further information about your specific case.

Good luck to you.
Lernladen Neukölln
+1 vote
University websites says duldung and aufenthaltsgestatung holders can keep continue their studies as long as the study in University/ausbildung finishes within a reasonable amount of time.

Even asylum application fails, you can stay here till you finish your studies. High chance of changing it to even a blue card once you get a job on shortage of engineers list and get a salary of blue card .what is your status now ?? So, we can verify.
answered Sep 22, 2019 by helios
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