Can I (as a student) still apply for Asylum? what pros and cons shall I expect following making this decision? note: my studies are almost done (80 percent done). thank you
asked Jul 13, 2020 in Asylum proceedings by eagle01 | 1,113 views

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Hello @eagle01,

thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees community and for sharing your question with us.

Provided that you are holding a residence permit according to § 16 b right now, you can apply for an 18-months residence permit to find a job that corresponds to your qualifications when you have completed your course of studies. During this time you're allowed to work in any job to cover your living expenses and health insurance costs. I'd highly recommend you to **** for a job in your profession from today on, as you wrote that your studies are almost finished. If you find one, you can change to a work visa for qualified specialists immediately, which would lead to an earlier consolidation for your stay.

An asylum application has be to thoroughly substantiated if you don't want it to be rejected, and it has further backdraws such as the obligation to live in an asylum centre and lack of access to the labour market during the first months.

I hope my answers were helpful and I’ll be very pleased if you contact me again with further questions. I'm a member of the mbeon-staff and I‘ll be glad to guide over a longer period of time. mbeon is an online advisory service for migrants via the mbeon-app, which you can download on your smartphone for free. You'll find me in the mbeon-app under my location „München” and then my name “Frau Müller“ and get confidential one-to-one advice in a safe virtual room where nobody can read messages. For further information please visit ***.mbeon.de.

Download for Android: https://play.google.***/store/apps/details?id=de.zone35.mbeon

Download for iOS: https://apps.apple.***/de/app/mbeon-messengerberatung/id1408795643

Best regards


answered Jul 13, 2020 by mbeon-Christine
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