Hello Alli,
welcome to Wefugees. Thank you for your question and your trust.
First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the counseling services offered by your university. The international office can help you with your application and preparation. In addition, there is also the
Bildungsberatung Garantiefond Hochschule
they advise and support young immigrants in starting or continuing their studies. You can get free on-site advice. There are 21 counseling centers throughout Germany. You can register for an appointment on the website.
Then I would like to know whether you are interested in a Bachelor's or a Master's program?
For example, I found a master's program in civil engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt that is held in English in the first semester. https://***.tu-darmstadt.de/studieren/studieninteressierte/studienangebot_studiengaenge/studiengang_181568.en.jsp
On the website Study in Germany you can find more important information about studying as a refugee in Germany. The website is in English. https://***.study-in-germany.de/en/plan-your-studies/special-circumstances/refugees/
Regarding your question, yes, it is possible to study as a refugee,
even if you do not speak German yet.
It is important to find a university that offers their program in English until you have learned German.
For this you have to apply for asylum, even if this is not yet completed, you can start your studies.
Further questions can be answered best in the local counseling and you can be supported in the process.
We answered a similar question on Wefugees:
also I will link our expert, @meike here, maybe she would like to add something. Thank you very much in advance.
With best regards