I came all the way from saudi arabia to germany after finishing 11th grade , now they made me repeat from 9th all over again so i dont have the time to do 4 years of school all over again i was gonna finish and go to university. So my question is , can i finish 10th and go to Ausbildung then finish it and go to university??
asked Apr 24, 2018 in Education by Msk2000 | 4,324 views
Please** its important
Hi @Msk2000, If you want to know more about studying in Germany I recommend that you check this whole section in our Help Center: https://support.kiron.ngo/430032-Studying-in-Germany You can also contact us from there if you have questions about them. Hope this helps, Claudia

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3 Answers

+1 vote

Hello @Msk2000.we would like to add something more:

To answer your question individually, we would need to know what you would like to study and which Ausbildung you are considering to do. Also, it depends in which federal state of Germany (Bundesland) you want to study.

By law, dual Vocational Trainings (duale Ausbildungen) can be attended without a school certificate. After having finished the Ausbildung, you will have access to a University of Applied Science (Fachhochschule) and to Universities (Universität/Hochschule) in the same filed of your vocational training but only under certain conditions. You need to pass the Ausbildung successfully and have 3 more years of job experience in the same job.

If you want to study in any other subject, you need to get your German High School Diploma (Abitur) to access the university. Each federal state in Germany has its special school requirements and school types. There are different ways depending on your situation (Berufsschule, Abendgymnasium, Kolleg, etc.). This could be an option either while working or as a full time programme.

A good website to get more information, is the following:


Best regards,
Lernladen Neukölln

answered May 2, 2018 by BildungsberaterIn
Thank you , where can i contact you personally?
@ Msk2000 It depends where you live.
If you are in Berlin you can find come to our office, just come to our office

LernLaden Neukölln
Karl-Marx-Straße 131
12043 Berlin
Tel.: 030 - 68 05 43 77
E-Mail: lernladen.neukoelln@gesbit.de
Opening hours
9am till 5pm

It’s possible every Friday from 9am to 2pm without an appointment.
Or feel free to stop by personally or contact us via Phone/ E-Mail to make an appointment.
This is our website

There are also different places all over Berlin which you find on this website

If you are outside of Berlin, we’d recommend to call the following consulting hotlines:


or: ****://***.bildungsberatung-berlin.de/index.php?id=40
We wish you good luck.
Lernladen Neukölln
+1 vote
I am not sure if you and I associate the term "studying" with the same meaning.

The Ausbildung is not an alternative to school to go to university.

A vocational qualification at the end of the training has a high value of its own. And also includes learning a lot of theoretical knowledge. in the job market, you are a sought-after specialist with good chances with a vocational qualification.

You have to choose between study and Ausbildung - not between Ausbildung and school. You may be able to do the Ausbildung faster than studying at University.

It depends on the type of activity and the field in which you want to work. Depending on that, you have to fulfill either the conditions for study or Ausbildung.

However, it is true that even without Abitur with a successful Ausbildung in the same profession, there is the opportunity to apply for studying at a university.
answered May 9, 2018 by Arrivo-EMSA
0 votes

Hello @Msk2000

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question!

I copied the question from your wall and edited the text-box above so that everyone can see it directly. Please write your questions into the text-box in the future because it's very unlikely that someone is going to find it on your wall. Thank you.

Concerning your question:

It is possible to start an Ausbildung after 10th grade. Under certain conditions you can start studying after finishing such an Ausbildung (the requirements depend on the subject you want to study and where (in which federal state/university) you want to do it). But keep in mind that an Ausbildung usually takes 3 years. So if you have to finish 9+10th grade first and then add 3 years for the Ausbildung you will end up spending more time compared to going to school and doing "only" 4 additional years. Also, finishing school with Abitur will allow you to study any subject you want without the need to fulfil further requirements (with the exeption that you may need a very good average grade e.g. to study medicine).

In addition I will link our experts on educational topics: @BildungsberaterIn of LernLaden Neukölln, @Fadi of Arrivo-EMSA and @KironHelpDesk of Kiron. Maybe they can give you a good tip on how to proceed.

Best regards,


answered Apr 25, 2018 by Thor
Hi @Msk2000, If you want to know more about studying in Germany I recommend that you check this whole section in our Help Center: https://support.kiron.ngo/430032-Studying-in-Germany You can also contact us from there if you have questions about them. Hope this helps, Claudia
Thank you so much
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