
I want to ask that is it possible that on my Aufenthaltgestattung can I take permission from Landratsamt to travel in Europe but tell them exact place where am I going and my girlfriend gives all details of her passport and home address because one of my friend told me that it can be possible but I m not sure that can it be ?
asked Apr 8, 2018 in Legal advice by Zichako | 2,056 views

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1 Answer

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Hello @Zichako Nice to hear from you again! In general asylum seekers with Aufenthaltsgestattung are not allowed to travel. It might be possible that Landratsamt gives you an exception, but I think the only way to find out about that is to get in contact with them and ask directly. Probably it's a discretionary decision that every office handles differently (and of course depending on the reasons you provide why you need to travel). Best regards, Thorgen
answered Apr 9, 2018 by Thor
Thank you but can you tell me what is discretionary decision?
Can you explain it ?
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