What else I need to have with myself when I travel with Alien's passport ?
Do I need another document or No!
asked Sep 6, 2018 in Legal advice by Loni | 737 views

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2 Answers

+2 votes
Hi Loni you need to take your Residence Permits along with the Alien Passport while Travelling. Also in the EU, as the Border officials always ask of it.
and besides it's the Residence Permits that grants you the rights to travel Freely. the Passport is just for crossing the Borders and also for the verification of your identity.
Best regards
answered Sep 6, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
Hi @Nelly  
You are saying that Without Residence permit I can't travel
Tell me If Have another way to travel because I lost my Residence permit card
+2 votes
You have to inform the country which issued you the Residence Permits that you have lost your Residence card. then they will issue you a new one, it doesn't take much time depending on the country where you obtained the Residence Permits. Or if it's an emergency case you can also try to inform them about the situation they might issue you something that can allow you travel temporarily depending on the Eu country. But i'm not very sure about that.
The best thing for you to do is to inform them and get a police report for your lost document and take it to the immigration office in your country of residence and get a New Residence Permits.
Best regards
answered Sep 6, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
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