Hello Everyone,
I must say this is a helpful community after reading some questions and answers. Hence, my motivation to sign up.
My question is:
I am an Asylum Seeker in Germany, and BAMF rejected my request because I have lived in another EU country before (Dublin Case). I got a lawyer and I and my German partner told her of our intention to get married, then she wrote to foreign Office of our marriage intention. I know I am required to submit my passport, the problem is I told BAMF my passport is missing but I did not report to the police about my missing passport. Can I still report to the police (because it is now 4 months) in order to apply for another passport at the Embassy? Or do I submit my old passport when I find it as I only have the electronic copy of the data page of my passport? What is the implication of me submitting my old passport.
Another question is:
If I have every other documents required to get married in Germany except for my Primary School and Secondary School Certificate, will Stadesamt still allow me to get married?
Please your help is urgently needed and appreciated. Thank you in advance.