Hello I am refugees and I am accepted in Germany and have three years passport,

Can I and how  can I apply for USA and Mexico visa.

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asked Feb 20, 2018 in Legal advice by KT | 7,915 views
Hello @KT - Welcome to our community and thank you for your question! There is a number of countries that you can visit without a visa, but neither the US nor Mexico are on that list (for further information about visa-free traveling using blue passport please click here: https://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/2024). In order to tell you more about the requirements you need to fulfil and the procedure to get a visa for said countries, we need to know where you are from. Best regards, Thorgen
Hello @Thor i really need to know more about the requirements and the procedures to get visa on said country (USA) i live and work in Germany. I have a firm contact (fest vertrag) with the company i work with here, which u think this can also help me for the process. Being looking for who to put me through or travel agents but haven’t met any yet. I’m so ready to learn if you can put through. Thanks
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