
I came with new question

I got Duldung and I have found Ausbildung.i made also the Ausbildung contract .

Am I allow to do Ausbildung with Duldung ? Because my landrasamt does not give the ausbildung Genehmigung .

What should I do ? Please tell me

If landrasamt does not allow me for Ausbildung then what I do ?
asked Jul 11, 2018 in Education by Zichako | 2,433 views
Hello @Zichako - Nice to hear from you again. Maybe @Arrivo-EMSA or @BildungsberaterIn have an idea. Best regards, Thorgen
I did not get any answer from you
I am still waiting for the answer
Maybe @Ria has an idea.

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Hello @ Zickako.

First of all congratulations for finding a vocational training (Ausbildung). Your case is a little bit tricky. We don't know your individual case and we are not lawyers but we will try to give a general answer. If you want to start a vocational training and you are not yet recognized as a refugee, the Ausländerbehörde has to agree so you even have the possibility to start. Once, this is fullfilled, you can apply for the so called Ausbildungsduldung. It is fixed in § 60a Abs. 2 Satz 4 ff. AufenthG.

There are some reasons, why the Behörde can refuse the Ausbildungsduldung. One reason which might be your case ist that the person applying for Ausbildungsduldung does not cooperate to obtain a passport hindering the end of the stay in Germany. If you don't solve this problem by obtaining the passport or showing that you have tried everything to get it, they can always refuse. But at the same time, it can get complicated to get a passport when the Ausländerbehörde has already planned a deportation. So you should really be careful about the timing.

For these reasons, we strongly advice you to get legal advice by a person who has knowledge in the German Asyl- und Aufenthaltsrecht (asylum law and the right of residence).

A good link with further information (note that it is from 15/6/2017) is the following:

You can always contact the Flüchtlingsrat close to you to get advice, too.

We hope we could help you.
Have a good week.

Greetings from Lernladen Neukölln
answered Aug 1, 2018 by BildungsberaterIn
0 votes
Welche Stadt und mit welcher Begründung wird abgelehnt?
answered Jul 16, 2018 by Ria
Die Stadt ist Starnberg und die Begründung ist dass ich pass beschafft werde
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