Hello, If I am an asylee in Germany with permanent residence 3 years.
If I have an emergency situation to travel back to Syria, (illness for a family member)
Can I travel back to Syria without any legal problems?
Thank you so much,
asked Sep 9, 2017 in Legal advice by Miky | 1,551 views

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Hello @Miky

Welcome to our community!

Broadly speaking you can't go back to your home country after getting your residence permit in Germany. You get asylum based on the assumption that the situation in your home country is too bad to stay there any longer. So if German authorities find out that you traveled there they will deprive you of your refugee status.

As far as I can see the only thing you could do is to ask for an official permission to go there at Ausländerbehörde. But to be honest I don't think there is a high chance for success.

Best regards,
answered Sep 13, 2017 by Thor
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