
I live in Asylheim in Leegebruch at the moment but I have been searching for an apartment for the past 8 months (after I received my Reiseausweis with residence permit for 3 years). Recently, I was told by the Asylheim that I have to move out soon since they are going to close it but I have problems finding an apartment and WG zimmer. I have tried to find through Immobilienscout24, different websites and different agencies but when they know that I am a refugee and I speak some German, they refuse to give me an apartment. How can I find an apartment as soon as possible? And are there any German speakers that can help me with the speaking? Please help me.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Sincerely,
Behnam Jodigharah Belagh
asked May 12, 2017 in Home & Living by Behnam | 832 views

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4 Answers

+2 votes
Hello @Behnam ,

nice to hear from you again!

Have you tried ****://***.fluechtlinge-willkommen.de yet? They are especially addressing refugees and try to connect them with locals/WGs. You can register there and hopefully they can help you to find a place to stay.
Feel free to share your experience with that website if you want. I can imagine that this information is useful for others too.

Regarding your search for someone to speak German with:

There is plenty of possibilities to get in contact with native speakers like going to Sprachcafés, sports clubs or something like that.

In Leegebruch there is going to be a festival on next sunday 21st May at Blockhütte Bärenklau in Leegebrucher Chaussee 4, 16727 Oberkrämer between 11-18 o'clock. That seems to be a good event to connect with people since it's organized by a local initiative that wants to welcome refugees. I'm pretty sure you will find people there that can help you with your German.

Check out their website for further information: ****://wolv.info

I hope this answer was helpful to you.

Best regards,
answered May 15, 2017 by Thor
Thank you for the suggestions. I have tried to register on the website fluechtlinge-willkommen.de and I'm still waiting for their answer. Regarding my search for someone to speak German with, I will attend the festival in Leegebruch as it seems like a good way to integrate and learn the language.
+1 vote
Hello @Behnam,

ask 'Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg' if they can help you.

Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 164
14482 Potsdam
Tel.: 0331 - 716 413
Fax: 0331 - 887 15 460
info [at] fluechtlingsrat-brandenburg [dot] de (****://tinyurl.***/mtlrtyu)

Consultation hours: On tuesdays and thursdays from 11 to 13 o'clock

Best regards

answered May 12, 2017 by Jan
Thank you for the help. I will contact 'Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg' and ask them if they can help.
0 votes
You tried it with Gewobag ?
answered May 16, 2017 by nerile
Gewobag is a housing society, located in Berlin. For details that refer renting an appartment in Brandenburg see informations here: ****://tinyurl.***/kozk7mg
0 votes
Hello, I have tried everything possible but I still haven't been able to get an apartment or WG Zimmer. Now I have been informed that I can't live at the Asylheim in Leegebruch. I find it strange because I am still not able to find a place to live but have been notified that I can't live there. In such situation, what can I do?

I recently finished internship as a "Schweißer" and for the past 2 weeks I took "Probearbeit" in this field in Kremmen. So since I do not have a job with income, I am trying to find a place to live in Oberhavel district so that JobCenter would be able to pay for the rent until I get a steady job. Please help me with what I can do because I have no other place to stay than Asylheim until I get a job.
answered Dec 13, 2017 by Behnam
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