Hallo there it's very nice site to help refugee well I'm Syrian refuge and I have imbtion to work or to make a practecom or study as  ausbildung with bmw company   I'm sick with bmw company and its my dream how I can contact with them I live in berlin thank you for your cooperation
asked Sep 7, 2016 in Education by Ahmadico | 845 views

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1 Answer

+4 votes
Hello Ahmadico,

You can apply for an Ausbildung at BMW Berlin online until 30th September this year.

On this page you find all the information concerning an Ausbildung:


You will be lead through the application process with this tool (you need to register first):


If you are having difficulties with your online-application you can contact BMW with this mail-address: bewerber.hotline@bmwgroup.***

answered Sep 8, 2016 by Thor
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