Hi good people in this community!

Which countries can I visit without a visa with my three years limit Aufenthaltstitel & Reisepass (Geneva convention)?

EU countries? Schengen countries? Can I go to Switzerland or Norway?


asked Sep 7, 2016 in Other Questions by Don’t Know | 5,049 views
Which County can i go with reise german Pass
Which County can i go with Germany  Reiseausweis?
And can i go to Ghana with my 3 years Reiseausweis go and come?
Hello @Olamide - welcome to our community. You will find the answer to your questions in this thread listed below. Ghana is not listed as a visa free country. That's why you should get in contact with their diplomatic representation (embacy or consulate) to find out what type of visa you need and what other requirements you might have to fulfill.
I saw that you posted similar comments in other threads that are not related to the topic of your inquiry. I deleted those comments in order to keep the structure of this platform clear and easy to follow for everyone. Best regards, Thorgen

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3 Answers

+2 votes
Hello Hasan,

as far as I can see it is possible for you to travel to a lot of EU-countries without a visa with your Aufenthaltstitel and "Reiseausweis für Flüchtlinge" ("Konventionspass"):

Belgium, Denmark, (Germany of course), Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slowakia, Spain and Czech Republic.

Please notice that you can stay there for max. 3 months and you are not allowed to work there. Otherwise you need to apply for a visa.

If you want to visit a country that is not listed above than you probably need a visa and you need to get in contact with their embacy here in Germany.

Here are three links with further information if necessary:

https://refugees.telekom.de/de/leben-in-deutschland/bleiberecht/aufenthaltstitel-und-blauer-pass-118328 (-> "Mit dem Blauen Pass verreisen")

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reiseausweis_für_Flüchtlinge (especially: "Weitere völkerrechtliche Bestimmungen; Schengen-Recht")

****://***.nds-fluerat.org/leitfaden/6a-die-aufenthaltserlaubnis-nach-25a-aufenthg/82wohnen-umziehen-und-reisen/ (see: "Reisen und Umziehen" at the bottom)

answered Sep 7, 2016 by Thor
Hi thanks a lot! Why Austria and Hungary is not in the list?
+2 votes

in additon to Thorgen's post:
See Wefugee answers: https://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/1238 and https://***.wefugees.de/k/questions/1474

Special informations for travellers for many countries provided by the German Foreign Office: ****://bit.ly/2cgS3pK

Regards, Jan
answered Sep 7, 2016 by Jan
0 votes
Hi thanks a lot! But why Austria and Hungary is not in the list?
answered Sep 7, 2016 by Don’t Know
There is a contract called "Europäische Übereinkommen über die Aufhebung des Sichtvermerkszwangs für Flüchtlinge". Every country that signed it (listed above) can be visited without a visa. Austria and Hungary simply did not sign it.
Achso! Then I need to apply for visa to go there?
As far as I know: yes.
Yes. Concerning Austria see ****://bit.ly/2c4mHPK (**** for term "Visa vor Einreise". Concerning Hungary see ****://bit.ly/2c4n2Ss (see Term "Informationen für nicht deutsche Staatsangehörige"
Thanks! But where I have to apply for visa? I am living near Dortmund. How can I get visa? And another question: after coming my family what type of visa will they get as they're not Asylbewerber. They also need visa to go there?
You apply for a visa at the embacy of the state that you want to visit. Or you can go to a Generalkonsulat (consulate general) of that country which is responsable for the area you are living in. For example there is a Generalkonsulat of Hungary in Düsseldorf: ****://***.mfa.gov.hu/kulkepviselet/DE/de/de_konzuliinfo/kontaktedusseldorf.htm     Unfortunately Austria only seems to have so called Honorarkonsulate which are not doing visa. It looks like you need to apply for a visa for Austria at the embacy in Berlin: https://***.bmeia.gv.at/oeb-berlin/     Please correct me if I missed out on some information
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