Hello Hasan,
as far as I can see it is possible for you to travel to a lot of EU-countries without a visa with your Aufenthaltstitel and "Reiseausweis für Flüchtlinge" ("Konventionspass"):
Belgium, Denmark, (Germany of course), Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slowakia, Spain and Czech Republic.
Please notice that you can stay there for max. 3 months and you are not allowed to work there. Otherwise you need to apply for a visa.
If you want to visit a country that is not listed above than you probably need a visa and you need to get in contact with their embacy here in Germany.
Here are three links with further information if necessary:
https://refugees.telekom.de/de/leben-in-deutschland/bleiberecht/aufenthaltstitel-und-blauer-pass-118328 (-> "Mit dem Blauen Pass verreisen")
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reiseausweis_für_Flüchtlinge (especially: "Weitere völkerrechtliche Bestimmungen; Schengen-Recht")
****://***.nds-fluerat.org/leitfaden/6a-die-aufenthaltserlaubnis-nach-25a-aufenthg/82wohnen-umziehen-und-reisen/ (see: "Reisen und Umziehen" at the bottom)