Dear Guys , I hope You are Doing Well
I have been Refugee in Ethiopia  , then I have win Germen Scholarship for Refugee students in Ethiopia after  that I come to Germeny with student visa and Ethiopian Travel Documents. Also I can't go back to my Country of Birth Somali Because of political unrest and civil war .
I have My residence permit in Germeny , Work as part-time student Unfortunately my Student Visa is Expiring soon in  6 months .
My question is
1 ) can I ask Asylum  For Germen Government ( BAMF )
2 ) Would it Effect my current studies and Scholarship .
3 ) Would I be sent to refugee Camp .

Thank You all Guys Wish Lucky
asked Oct 27, 2024 in Asylum proceedings by Yoseph_Mostafa | 1,349 views

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Dear @Yoseph_Mostafa,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

It was not clear to me from your explanation why your residence permit (I assume you are holding one according to §16b) can not be extended. This would most probably be the best option. Since you are working, you shouldn't have issues to secure your livelihood (which would be one requirement for the extension). In case there is no other option than applying for asylum, you can of course do so. You have a Somali citizenship, right? I am not a lawyer and I can't make an assessment as to how the Ethiopian papers (travel documents) might affect your chances of recognition as a refugee.

Regarding the asylum application as a student, my colleague answered a very similar question here. He stated: "As long as [someone] still has a valid residence permit and applies for asylum before it expires, then they are not obliged to live in a special refugee reception centre. For people who have residence permits and apply for asylum, the rules around accommodation are different to a person who does not have a residence permit. However, if they apply for asylum and are not able to pay for their own housing, then they will be housed by the social office (Sozialamt). This would likely mean the person would be housed in a refugee centre (Gemeinschaftsunterkunft)." However, I am not sure whether this only applies as long as the current residence permit is valid for at least 6 months. I would therefore recommend that you seek advice from a lawyer or an experienced counselling office (i.e. "Asylverfahrensberatung") as soon as possible.

I can't make any statements regarding your scholarship because I don't know the individual conditions.

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Oct 28, 2024 by Meike
Thank You Meike ,
Yes I have Residence Permit 16b , The Ethiopian Travel Documents That I have is Already expired 06 /2023 and it's not Not Working anymore .( the Ethiopian Travel Documents Is intended to Give Refugees when they are Traveling Outside the Country Unfortunately it cannot Renew outside Ethiopia . )  or ( Like Mini Germen Blues passport )
After that The Foreign Office Have Informed me that they will not Renew my passport  instead they will only extend my residence Permit  ( 16b ) .
And they have added that If I Need to stay Germen Longer I have to Contact with BAMF .

Thank You For Your Time .
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