Dear @User2010,
Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question.
There was a new law introduced just this year which offers asylum seekers that came to Germany before 29.03.2023 the possibility to cancel their asylum application and receive a residence permit as a qualified worker (according to § 18a/b or § 19c (2)) . They must either already be working or have an offer of qualified work. It has to be qualified employment, i.e. a job that at least requires the level of Ausbildung in Germany. Other kinds of non-qualified work will not enable someone to do this ‘Spurwechsel’. We discussed this topic also here.
I am not a lawyer but as far as I understand, people who came to Germany after this date would need to leave Germany and apply for the correct visa as a skilled professional to return. Handbook Germany is also providing good information on this. At the Berlin immigration office's website you find an exemplary overview on the requirements for a residence permit according to section 18b ("Residence permit for qualified skilled workers with an academic education").
Do you agree with my explanations, dear @mbeon-fardeen or @mbeon-Éanna?
I would highly recommend you to get support by a lawyer or a refugee counselling office regarding the next steps.
I hope this helps and best,