Thank you all here for this wonderful assistance and advice  you give here.
i am ana African who has a polish fiancee living in Germany ( Prenzlau ). she has been living here for 8years.
My visa has expired and therefore living here illegally . we have been together for 9months and wants to get married.
currently we are looking for a migration lawyer to assist us go through the process of living here legally and there on be able to marry and be together.

we have contacted a lot of lawyers from various sites and most feedback is we get is  " I CANNOT HANDLE YOUR CASE "
1. Its out of my jurisdiction
2. Its administration matters
3. Contact the immigration office
I am frustrated now and i need some advice. Kind assist.
asked May 14, 2024 in Legal advice by kobs | 1,592 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi @kobs

Have you specifically contacted lawyers for immigration law? In German this is variously called Migrationsrecht/ Aufenthaltsrecht/ Ausländerecht.

You can search this database of lawyers in Germany for someone with this specialisation:


I checked in Prenzlau but did not find anyone. You may need to **** further afield, e.g. in Berlin.

Alternatively, you can first contact the organisation Johanniter, who have an office helping migrants in Prenzlau. They also assist people who have need to have their residency status clarified. Their help is for free and I presume someone there will speak English:


To get married, you contact the registry office (Standesamt) in Prenzlau:


You will need to provide your passports and birth certificates, possibly other documents. Your partner will have to provide a document from the Polish authorities confirming she is eligible to marry. Whether you need to do this depends on your country of nationality.

The Standesamt will inform the Ausländerbehörde (immigration office) that you are in Germany without a legal permit. You can request a temporary paper called a Duldung if the marriage is due to take place soon. I therefore recommend you prepare as thoroughly as possible for your appointment to set a marriage date with the Standeamt. You will be in an insecure position until a Duldung is issued and it is at the discretion of the authorities whether to issue you one or not..

You may face some consequences due to have been illegally resident in Germany, most likely a fine.

After the marriage, you are entitled to a residence permit as the spouse of an EU citizen.



answered May 17, 2024 by mbeon-Éanna
@mbeon-Éanna, Thank you for the response. I am from Ghana, i have my 1. Birth certificate and my Bachelor certificate from Ghana( Legalized ) 2. I am registered and paying for private insurance here and they gave me a certificate to assist my process. 3. I have been able to register my address at my fiancee's home here in Prenzlau. I will first proceed to Johanniter for advice whiles i keep searching for a lawyer. Is it advisable to go to the immigration office ourselves in case we dont fin a lawyer to assist. Can i have you email address, in case i need further assistance . If not , you can furnish me with any other information to kobsfed@gmail.***. Thank you very much .
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