So i have a big passion for art and I have been looking for berufschules that offer Graphic Design. However, its hard to find a duale ausbildung for this branch so there are only school based ones that I have to pay 210 Euro per month. But I searched online and I should be getting Kindergeld for it since I will be doing an Ausbildung, I live with my parents and im under 25. I have been in Germany for 9 months now. If I apply in that Grafik Design Berufskolleg will I be eligible for Kindergeld?
asked Mar 18 in Education by maribel999 | 503 views

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Dear @maribel999,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

Generally speaking, parents can receive Kindergeld (child benefit) for children between 18 and 25y. if they are in their first "Ausbildung" (incl.), school or study programme as well as in their second "Ausbildung"/school/study programme and work for up to 20h/week. This website explanis the conditions quite well.

If I remember correctly, however, you and your parents are still in the asylum procedure, right?

Unfortunately, asylum seekers (pending procedure) and rejected asylum seekers (with Duldung) are not eligible for Kindergeld.

I am sorry that I can not give you more positive news but please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Mar 19 by Meike
Thank you for informing me, then i will just settle for an Ausbildung that offers both a workplace and a school. I suppose its also not possible for asking another place, like agentur für arbeit, for the funding in this case?
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