My Aufenthaltserlaubnis will be expired this 23 March and i will apply for Niederlassungerlaubnis i already have termin for Intergration test on 1. 03. I have Unbefristet Arbeitsvertrag. Contribute Social for 6 years B2 and Anerkannt als Gesundheit Krankenpflegerin. But im currently in Elternzeit until Sept. Will it affect my application or will they deny my Application bcoz im in Elternzeit and will receive Social help such as Eltern and kindergeld?
asked Jan 4, 2023 in Money by Jj061987 | 1,157 views

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Hello and welcome back to the Wefugees Community!

When applying for a permanent settlement (Niederlassungserlaubnis), the immigration office will consider the prognosis - the chance that you will be able to cover your life expenses in the future as well (secure subsistence).

In section 2 "Definitions" of the German Residence Act it says:

(3) Foreigners have a secure subsistence if they are able to earn a living, including sufficient health insurance coverage, without recourse to public funds. Drawing the following benefits does not constitute recourse to public funds:

1.  child benefits [Kindergeld],

2.  children’s allowances,

3.  child-raising benefits,

4.  parental allowances [Elterngeld],

5.  educational and training assistance in accordance with Book Three of the Social Code, the Federal Education Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz) or the Upgrading Training Assistance Act (Aufstiegsfortbildungsförderungsgesetz),

6.  public funds based on own contributions or granted in order to enable residence in Germany and

7.  payments made in accordance with the Act on Advance Maintenance Payments (Unterhaltsvorschussgesetz).

Receiving Elterngeld or Kindergeld clearly doesn't have a negative influence on your secure subsistence. The immigration office may check how you will cover your costs in the future, though. However, if you are getting back to work after the "Elternzeit" and/or your partner is supporting you and the family sufficiently, you shouldn't worry (and fulfill the other requirements).

Do you agree dear @mbeon-Christine or @mbeon-fardeen?

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 6, 2023 by Meike
Thank you Meike atleast i know my stand and it secures me that it wont affect my application ...
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