Hallo. What happens when one parent is holding Aufenthaltsgestattung (currently waiting for an appointment to apply for resident permit) and the child is a German citizen born to a German native parent.Will the child receive kundergeld?
asked Feb 4, 2024 in Money by Simi | 1,760 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Simi

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question. 

While holding an "Aufenthaltsgestattung" or "Duldung" people can usually not apply for Kindergeld. However, the German parent may apply for the child instead. If you are about to receive a residence permit, it could make sense that you apply now (as you will be eligible as soon as you receive it - depending on the type of residence permit) and submit the residence permit a bit later in the application process.

I hope this helps and don't hesitate to get back to us if you want to discuss your case further or any other questions.

All the best, 


answered Feb 4, 2024 by Meike
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