Hello refugees team,

I have some questions related to working. I have live in Germany 1.5 years I have new born baby 8 month and 10 year daughter. Due my asylum case end of Dublin. Now my Aufenthalt 6 months. Me and my husband have job offer in other state. Can we request to move ? In my state it really difficult to get job. Because it far from main city they require driver license. I want to know any experience who can move to other state when have job offer both husband and wife.

Or I need to wait how many year to stay in the state I put asylum ?

thanks so much for your answer.
asked Nov 6, 2023 in Work by Jassica | 672 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Jassica

As I understand it, the Dublin procedure has ended for you and Germany is now responsible for processing your asylum case. You are now in possession of a paper called ‘Aufenthaltsgestattung’ which is renewed every 6 months.

If the jobs that you and your husband are offered will provide enough income to cover your living costs, then you can move. When people are entitled to money from Sozialamt, then they are obliged to live in the area they were assigned to (this should be written in your paper Aufenthaltsgestattung). If you can support yourself by working, then you do not have to stay there.

You need to make a written application to your local immigration authority (Ausländerbehörde). The application is called ‘Antrag auf Aufhebung der Wohnsitzauflage’. An example of the application form for this can be found here:


Send copies of the job offers along with the application.



answered Nov 29, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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