I have recently received my refugee status and I was informed that normally I must stay in the same state. I found a job in a different state that would allow me to be independent of the jobenter. I was told by the Kreisverwaltung of my city that the Ausländerbehörde of the city I am moving to must approve the move first. (I am allowed to work anywhere in Germany but I am not free to move my residence). The move request form I was given, requires information about the new residence address I will be moving into. However, I cannot rent an apartment before their consent to move? so what exactly is one supposed to do in this case?
asked Sep 4, 2022 in Work by Rooona | 777 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Roona,

Does the form require you to provide a specific address? On such forms to request a move you usually just write the name of the place you wish to move to, not an actual specific street address. For example ‘Hamburg’ or ‘Berlin’. Or if it in a more regional area it may be called something like ‘Landkreis X’.

Here is an example of such a form, where it would be sufficient to write for example ‘Hiermit beantrage ich die Änderung der Wohnsitzauflage, da ich beansichtige nach BERLIN umzuziehen’.


I hope that clarifies it. If not, let us know.



answered Sep 5, 2022 by mbeon-Éanna
Thank you very much for your answer, dear @mbeon-Éanna!
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