I am a Maroccan citizen living in Italy and got married to an Egyptian that got his visa for Italy and now he is reported as a missing person, we know that he went to Germany seeking for Asylum but it's been more than 10 days now .Me and his family are so worried and we just want to make sure he is alive.

how long does the registration process takes? is he allowed to use his phone? how can we get in touch with the center of refugees to see if he is registered as a refugee

Thank you
asked Sep 10, 2023 in Other Questions by Fati39 | 579 views
I will .... I only hope nothing bad happened to him
Thank you

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1 Answer

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Dear @Fati39,

I am really sorry to hear about your situation and I can understand that you are very worried.

As far as I know, it happens that the border police is taking the phones of people who "irregularly" (try to) cross the border to Germany in order to get information about a person's background. They may also detain a person for a few days/weeks. I am thinking about the best way to find out about his location. One option might be to contact the police directly. Maybe the Tracing Service by the German Red Cross can also help if you don't hear from him very soon - what do you think @mbeon-Éanna?

Stay strong and please keep us updated,


answered Sep 10, 2023 by Meike
Yes, the Red Cross is the best organisation to assist with this. As you are living in Italy, it is the Italian Red Cross you should contact:

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