Hello Apdulah,
How nice of you to turn out to WeFugees with your question. I am sorry to hear what a supposedly hopeless situation you are in. This lack of perspective is very stressful. I deliberately say "supposedly" because there may be other ways that cannot be implemented in the short term but can offer you a perspective or a goal. It is all the more important that you use all channels - as you obviously do - to explore your options.
In order to apply for asylum in Germany, you must be in the country. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to apply for asylum for individual EU countries at the borders to the EU.
There is also the possibility of coming to Germany on a training or work visa. For this, you need German language skills and a job or training place. This means that you can apply here in Germany from abroad. There is also the possibility of applying for a visa to **** for training or a job. However, you must finance the time (6 months) that you are then allowed to spend here searching yourself and the money must be deposited in advance. You can find a lot of information on how to **** for a job in Germany on the site Jobsuche (make-it-in-germany.***), it is translated into many different languages. Do you perhaps already have contacts in Germany (family, friends) who could support you in the process or with whom you can stay while looking for work? In the positive list of the Bundesarbeitsagentur you will find an overview of training in so-called shortage occupations, i.e. where there is a particularly great need for trainees. Perhaps there are occupations that interest you. liste-der-mangelberufe-laut-bundesagentur-fuer-arbeit.pdf (hamburg.de)
German language skills are necessary to live and work in Germany. For dual training (school and work) in Germany, you need language level B2. There are now many online language courses that can help you learn.
I hope my answer helps you a little. If you have any further questions or are stuck with your research, please feel free to contact me via the free app mbeon. It's an online consultancy for migrants and there you will get confidential one-to-one advice. Search for "Coesfeld, Fr. Groß".
I wish you all the best and much success in your future endeavours.