Hello everyone,

I have already been enrolled in a university and doing German preparatory course for b2 and c1 level. I have still this semester the German course and when i finish c1 , I can start my master in IT at the university probably next semester in march. I come from iraq and my asylum was rejected last Oktober and i am still waiting for the court interview. There are some discussion about deporting rejected asylum. If that happens, do i have a chance of staying and finishing my studies?
asked Aug 30, 2023 in Asylum proceedings by Elwand | 782 views

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Dear @Elwand,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

First of all, you are doing great in getting enrolled in a University and to work on your qualifications! I wish you all the best and strength to keep going - even though you may face obstacles at times.

For the time being, unfortunately, studying at a University as such is not "securing" you from a deportation in general. We discussed this topic in this thread before as well. Yes, there seem to be some recent policy changes regarding deportation to Iraq, but this does not mean that every Iraqi will get deported! Instead, I want to encourage you to contact a migration counselling office or a laywer (as you appealed in court, you probably have one already, right?) to discuss your individual options. This is hardly possible to ellaborate on a public platform and highly depends on so many factors and your personal circumstances.

Nevertheless, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any specific question or if you need support in finding a counselling office in your area.



answered Sep 3, 2023 by Meike
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