good afternoon,  I want to ask a question,  and my question is about the new law to obtain a chancen aufenthaltsrecht,  I came in Germany in June 2016, and took asylum and in 2018 I was issued a duldung (toleration) till date I am still holding a duldung but in 2019 march I left Germany for awhile and was sent back to Germany as Dublin law in September 2019 and I continue my stay in Germany with a duldung till date, Normally I am six years plus in Germany  but my stay was interrupted in length of five months, am i still eligible to apply for the chancen aufenthaltsrecht? I can speak German very well to A2 level though I have a work ban but I was allowed to do the voluntary job (social work)  which I have been doing Diligently for 3years now and I had worked legally for 18 months paying my bills and cared for my family without asking for help from the government for 18month before I was given a work ban , and I have no criminal record ,  please I want to know if i can still apply for the chancen aufenthaltsrecht despite the five months interruption and with my good German language skills, thank you and i hope to get a response as soon as possible,  thanks.
asked Jan 15, 2023 in Other Questions by eddykim | 379 views
@eddykim why did they give you work ban?
Because I have not gotten a passport to present that's why,  but my question was am I still eligible to apply for the chancen aufenthaltsrecht despite my five months interruption?  I will be glad to get your response Felise. Thank you.

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1 Answer

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Dear Eddykim,

welcome to our community and thank you for your detailed question.

The procedural notes for § 104c state that stays abroad are legally innocuous if they don't exceed a three months' period. As the law is new, we don't have any experience whether a five months' stay abroad can be healed in any way. In this case, it might be reasonable to discuss your personal situation with a lawyer.

We wish you all the best and please come back to us if you have further questions.

Best regards,

mbeon-Christine (***.mbeon.de)
answered Jan 17, 2023 by mbeon-Christine
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