asked Jul 7, 2022 in Other Questions by Dickson | 534 views

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Dear Godstime 1982,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community! 

You did not give many details about your question or concern - but I assume that you may try to get some information on the new so-called "Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht" which was drafted by the German government and is still to be discussed (and eventually decided) in the parliament!? The updated draft of the law is stating that Duldung holders who were in Germany for 5 years or longer (with Duldung, Aufenthaltsgestattung or residence permit) on the first of January 2022 and did not commit a (major) criminal offense may be granted a residence permit for one year. In this year, the respective person needs to secure the living (or the majority of the living expenses) and prove the identity. If fulfilling the requirements, the person may subsequently receive a residence permit according to section 25b (or 25a) of the German Residence Law.

Please let us know if you were actually looking for other information or if you have any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jul 10, 2022 by Meike
Thanks Meike, you have said it all. That is exactly my question
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